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해외 관련학회

IGU Thematic Conference Osaka 2023 안내
2022.07.11 10:07

  2023년 일본 오사카에서 열리는 IGU Thematic Conference를 소개드립니다.

IGU Thematic Conference는 특별한 주제에 대해 관심을 갖는 하나이상의 위원회 또는 국가(들)에서 준비하는 국제 학회입니다. 2023년도 일본 오사카에서 열리는 국제 학회는 ‘Islands in relations’이라는 주제로 이와 관련된 다양한 소주제들(Conflicts, Sustainability, Peace)로 구성이 됩니다. 관심있는 분들은 다음에 소개되는 정보들을 확인하시기 바랍니다.


IGU Thematic Conference Osaka 2023


Chair, Local Organizing Committee, IGU-TC Osaka 2023

Department of Geography, Osaka Metropolitan University
Website: https://polgeog.jp/igu-tc2023/ <https://polgeog.jp/igu-tc2023/>
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/292057433080525
Twitter: https://twitter.com/IGUTC_Osaka2023


*Call for Sessions*


By situating /islands in various relations/, this conference focuses on
them from three inter-related viewpoints: /conflicts, sustainability,
and peace, /and addresses the following three component questions:


1. /Why and how were/are islands involved in what kind of conflicts or
uneven power relations?/
2. /How can islands’sustainable development contribute to their
political-economic autonomy?/
3. /How can we practice geography for island peace?/


This conference is open to any case studies across the world if they fit
in the main conference theme. It is also open to any IGU Commissions,
geographers, other scientists, university students, and the public who
wish to share the theme topics with us.


*Based on the above-mentioned main conference themes, sessions could be
organized for the following sub-themes and other relevant topics:*




* Insular geopolitics between land and sea
* Hegemony, dispossession, and displacement
* Colonization and dependency
* MIlitarization, securitization, and gendering of islands
* Migration and offshore detention
* Territorial disputes, border, and nationalism
* Border control over islands and islanders
* In-betweenness of islands




* Globalization and sustainable livelihoods
* Adaptive island governance and climate change
* Environmental vulnerability
* Local marine resource management and communities
* Renewable energy and development
* Tourism and human/non-human sustainability
* Militarism and its ecological impacts
* Indigenous geographies and their preservation




* Decolonization and indigenous rights
* Demilitarization and alternative economy
* Denuclearization and neutralization
* Transnational/inter-island peace movements
* Trans-border networks and cooperation
* Trans-border tourism/trade
* Restoration of island cultures
* Island autonomy and peace

Past IGU Thematic conferences

2022: Mahendragarh, India: Sustainability, Future Earth, and Humanities- Opportunities and Challenges

2021: Lecce, Italy: Heritage Geographies- Politics, Uses and Governance of the Past

2019: Koper, Slovenia: Transformation of Traditional Cultural Landscapes

2018: Moscow, Russia: Practical Geography and XXI Century Challenges

2017: Hyderabad, India: Urbanization Health and Wellbeing

2017: La Paz, Bolivia: Geographies of Peace
2017: Bucharest, Romania: Land Use/Cover Changes, Biodiversity, Health, and Environment, Local and Regional Development