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  • 해외 관련학회

해외 관련학회

제5회 아시아지리학대회(5th Asian Geographical Conference (AGC5)) 안내(9/5~9/9)
2022.07.15 12:07

 2022년 9월 5-9일 베트남에서 개최되는 제 5회 아시아 지리학 대회 진행상황을 알려드립니다. 현재 한국을 포함한 총 15개국에서 50편 초록과 2편의 논문이 제출되었으며, 중국 Yutian Liang 교수님과 한국 류제헌 교수님이 기획하는 두 개의 세션이 예정되어 있습니다. 자세한 내용은 다음을 참고해주시기 바랍니다.


Dear Executive Committee Board of AGA,


Towards the 5th Asian Geographical Conference (AGC5), which will be held at TNU from September 5-9, 2022, on July 12, 2022 the Local Organizing Committee and the Conference Secretariat have met together to evaluate of the preparation work for the Conference. I would like to report the main results to members of EC of AGA as follows


1. Number of delegates who submitted abstracts and registered for the conference: 50 abstracts and two full papers from 15 countries (India 19; Japan 4, Uzbekistan 2, Yemen 1, Tajikistan 2, Pakistan 5, Korea) 1, Germany 1, China 2, Bangladesh 1, Israel 2, Singapore 1)


2. Two groups of scientists registered to organize a sections

- Prof. Dr. Yutian Liang from Sun Yat-sen University, China wished to organize a session during the conference,

- Prof Je-Hun RYU, Korea wished to work with Vietnamese to organize a workshop to discuss and exchange ideas on how Asian geographers should work together to comply Asian Atlas of Culture and Heritage during the Conference or one day before the Conference, possibly with the participation from the members on the Steering Committee for the AGA Working Group on Cultural Geography.

3. Draft conference program

September 5: Welcome guests

Morning of September 6: Opening, plenary session

Afternoon of September 6: Sections (2-3)

September 7: two sections (proposed in item 2)

September 8-9: Field trip


4. Considering logistics work

- Conference materials

- Others logistics (Conference hall, section rooms, zoom links…)

- Prepare letter of invitation and send to all participants

- Prepare and send the Letter of invitations to keynote speakers.

(Please Miss Xuanzi Zhang discuss with Professor Dahe Qin to help us to select and invite 4-5 international keynote speakers and then LO will send invitation to them. LO sent invitation to 3 Vietnamese keynote speakers)

- Please Miss Xuanzi Zhang to discuss with Professor Dahe Qin to send invitations to take part in the Conference to all national representatives as well as members of the Executive Committee of the Asian Geographical Society.

Please Miss Xuanzi Zhang convert this email to other members of EC of AGS because I can not send to them.

The next meeting of LO and Conference Secretariat will be held at the end of July 2022.

Looking forward to seeing you at TUN